Teach with Us!

Want to share your thought leadership, content or course on We Are For Good PRO?

You’re in the right spot my friend.


We are currently accepting applications from nonprofit leaders, consultants, and coaches who have a passion for equipping this generation of development professionals with the mindsets, tools and tactical strategies to raise more money, recruit and lead dynamic teams, and grow the impact of their organization. (in other words - change the world with the power of good :)

We are intent on creating an inclusive, equitable and diverse table of good humans. If you are new to We Are For Good, please first explore and get to know us to make sure we are a fit. You can dig into our core values and beliefs about philanthropy that drives us and shapes our content at http://weareforgood.com/start-here

Ready to apply? Awesome. Please complete the form below - we can’t wait to connect with you soon! Please know it takes a few days for us to circle back. Thank you!